¿Por qué me vigilan, si no soy nadie? | Marta Peirano | TEDxMadrid – YouTube

Algorithms create automated profiles which become criminal dossiers as soon as needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPE7i8wuupk&feature=youtu.be

2015, septiembre 29 · fefu

? Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) – YouTube

John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden and draws a distinguishable line in the sand to determine where mass surveillance becomes threatening. https://youtu.be/XEVlyP4_11M

2015, abril 15 · fefu

Facebook Freebooting – Smarter Every Day 128 – YouTube

Interesting video about how the rich computing companies get extra revenues while plundering creativity, talent and dedication of content creators. Freedom leads to independence, and independence to more stable and wealthier future. https://youtu.be/L6A1Lt0kvMA

2015, abril 2 · fefu

Snowden’s first live: ‘Constitution being violated on massive scale’

Edward Snowden’s first live conference (1hr). Technical and civil discussions about communication, privacy, encryption and policy-making processes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGD2t2iegSY

2014, abril 7 · fefu

Greatest Audio Books – YouTube

Hundreds of audiobooks ready to hear. http://www.youtube.com/user/GreatestAudioBooks

2014, marzo 31 · fefu

A Futuristic Short Film HD: by Sight Systems – YouTube

Este cortometraje muestra uno de los tantos escenarios que abren tecnologías similares a google glass. El video fue creado y publicado *antes* que los anteojos que nos quieren vender. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK_cdkpazjI

2013, julio 5 · fefu

Videos mentioned by OccupyWallSt Forum – YouTube

Videos de OccupyWallSt . Animaciones NWO y animaciones sobre bancos, etc. https://www.youtube.com/social/blog/rwE445fQLPE

2011, octubre 24 · fefu

How the banks and government are stealing from you

Este video animado (29m) hace una reseña histórica de cómo evolucionó la economía desde el trueque de bienes reales a los papeles de colores que conocemos hoy en día. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJVJ5_4qNSo

2011, octubre 24 · fefu

Help warn people about YouTube Rentals | DefectiveByDesign.org

Youtube started using DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) for their “Rental” service, weakening HTML5 support and user freedom. http://www.defectivebydesign.org/youtube-rentals

2011, julio 19 · fefu

Film ?Debtocracy (full – ENG Subs)??

Documental Debtocracy (2011) sobre la deuda de Grecia, Argentina y Ecuador. Explora los conceptos de deuda odiosa, deuda ilegítima e ilegal. duración 1:14hs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKpxPo-lInk

2011, junio 29 · fefu