Telegram, AKA “Stand back, we have Math PhDs!” – Unhandled expression

Telegram might not be the best private messaging tool around. OTR (Off the Record) free software implementations (like may rise over those security holes Telegram leave unattended.

2015, junio 6 · fefu

? Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) – YouTube

John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden and draws a distinguishable line in the sand to determine where mass surveillance becomes threatening.

2015, abril 15 · fefu

Reset the Net – Against Mass Surveillance

Movement to tighten security while real legal and operational reforms occur.

2014, mayo 8 · fefu

Snowden’s first live: ‘Constitution being violated on massive scale’

Edward Snowden’s first live conference (1hr). Technical and civil discussions about communication, privacy, encryption and policy-making processes.

2014, abril 7 · fefu

Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program – PRISM Break | HiperEidon

Alejándote de Prism y defendiendo tu privacidad a través de herramientas de software libre.

2013, junio 25 · fefu

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | Threat Level |

NSA invests USD 2,000,000,000 on a new surveillance center in Utah which will record every bit of information which passes around North America. Why don’t they invest the same amount on a digital library?

2013, enero 8 · fefu