Crearían un banco genético de todos los bonaerenses – 15.09.2015 –

Welcome to Gattaca. Government harvests information to use it against the citizenship. “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Thomas Jefferson

2015, septiembre 15 · fefu

Detectó fallas en el sistema de boleta electrónica y allanaron su casa –

When a programmer discovers and discloses a security flaw which can change the results of the next elections, instead of being rewarded and praised, he is prosecuted.

2015, julio 4 · fefu

A diez días de los comicios porteños, descubren filtraciones de seguridad en el sistema de voto electrónico – Télam – Agencia Nacional de Noticias

Electronic vote is weaker than the conventional previous implementations. Electronic vote weakens democracy as a whole.

2015, julio 4 · fefu

Telegram, AKA “Stand back, we have Math PhDs!” – Unhandled expression

Telegram might not be the best private messaging tool around. OTR (Off the Record) free software implementations (like may rise over those security holes Telegram leave unattended.

2015, junio 6 · fefu

? Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO) – YouTube

John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden and draws a distinguishable line in the sand to determine where mass surveillance becomes threatening.

2015, abril 15 · fefu

Facebook Freebooting – Smarter Every Day 128 – YouTube

Interesting video about how the rich computing companies get extra revenues while plundering creativity, talent and dedication of content creators. Freedom leads to independence, and independence to more stable and wealthier future.

2015, abril 2 · fefu

Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters | Talk Video |

Good people like you and me need privacy to think in a more creative way. Systems of mass surveillance suppress freedoms. If you don’t care about freedom, send him all your accounts and passwords for him to read 😉

2015, febrero 20 · fefu

The Quest to Build a Truly Free Version of Android | WIRED

“…if you really care about security, you should avoid using a phone at all.”

2015, enero 2 · fefu

Advierten sobre los alcances y problemas del proyecto de Ley Argentina Digital « Fundación Vía Libre

Proyecto de ley “Argentina Digital” destruye garantías constitucionales. Necesitamos una ley que proteja a ciudadanos y estimule la innovación. Esta ley hace exactamente todo lo contrario.

2014, diciembre 2 · fefu

The Battle for Net Neutrality

Information should flow freely. Internet flourished and isn’t broken, please avoid trying to fix it. If Internet providers discriminate between big companies traffic and the rest of us, the information flow will be favored for those who have bigger wallets. Freedom of speech, independent news and publications will be set aside in a 2nd grade, slower Internet connection.

2014, noviembre 12 · fefu